
TIPEx: Information Technologies for Planning and Training in Emergencies

Emergency situations are characterized by their unpredictability as well as by their fatal consequences in terms of human lives and material costs. One way of improving the management of emergency situations is by the definition of suitable Emergency Plans as well as by the training of participants in the application of such plans. An Emergency Plan is defined as a document that compiles both the prevention rules and the procedures to be applied in an emergency situation by detailing all potential incidences that might occur and influence its management. In order to design a good Emergency Plan, experts from different areas need to work collaboratively to identify all the events and the relationships among such events.


The main purpose of this project is to study different information technology techniques in order to ease both the elaboration and the training of Emergency Plans based on the use of scenarios. The use of such techniques will allow the collaborative development of Emergency Plans, the use of rich formats that provide different perspectives of a plan, the exportation and sharing of plans in order to increase their evolution and improvement, the instruction of participants as well as a better interaction, participation and exchange of knowledge. The achievement of all of these objectives will require the definition of a process model that guarantees the collaborative participation of stakeholders, the development of an emergency situation meta-model, the application of advanced interaction models, the development of Emergency Plans, training and the development of proofs of concepts with advanced interfaces.

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Investigation Area:

Interactive Platforms. Emergency Planning.

Funded by:

Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2010-19859-C03-01).
Partnerts: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Universidad Pablo Olavide

Started date:


Finished date:


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