
Pervasive and Affordable technologies for Civic Engagement

The project will deploy a model of interaction ecosystem that will guide the development of participative experiences describing the human, technical and contextual factors that have to be considered. It will be validated through technological interventions that will be co-designed with stakeholders. Two case studies are planned. (1) An early warning knowledge ecosystem that will make it possible to integrate citizen generated information in a sense making process whilst generating risk awareness (2) A playable city scenario where citizens engage in informal, social and situated learning activities in physical spaces. Studies on the affordances that technologies provide on appropriate interaction design techniques for pervasive and augmented scenarios will be conducted to provide design guidelines.


The PACE project is aimed at identifying the possibilities, opportunities, and challenges that gamification and social computing can add to ubiquitous augmented ecosystems to motivate citizen engagement in the context of Playable and Smart Cities. The project will advance in understanding better the affordances and outcomes that technologies might bring to specific scenarios and in an affordable way, understanding affordable from a cognitive, usability and socio-economic point of view.

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Investigation Area:

Citizen engagement; ubiquous computing; AR; social computing; gamification

Funded by:

MINECO (TIN2016-77690-R)

Started date:


Finished date:


Team members: